Skills Gap Analysis Guide

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Identify the skills your workforce needs to achieve business objectives in the future.

Skills Gap Analysis Guide
Skills Gap Analysis Guide

In this step-by-step guide, we will explain how you can conduct a thorough Skills Gap Analysis to identify the essential skills your employees are currently missing. With these insights, you will be able to take immediate action to ensure that your organization remains competitive — no matter what happens in the future. 

Fill out the form and find out how you can: 

  • Identify the most important trends and developments affecting your business.
  • Determine the essential skills and knowledge your employees are currently missing.
  • Address your organization’s existing and future skill gaps.

Upskilling is the answer 

87% of organizations will have a skills gap in the next few years (McKinsey, 2021).

While it might be tempting to find more people to fill this gap, the solution to this challenge isn’t hiring new employees. 

It’s upskilling. 

With a pool of diverse skill sets just waiting to be developed to their full potential, you don’t have to leave addressing your skills gap up to fate. Take matters into your hands by conducting a Skills Gap Analysis and identifying the skills your workforce needs to succeed.

Future-proof your workforce today 

In this five-step guide, we explain how to identify the knowledge and competencies that your employees need to succeed now and in the (very near) future. 

The Skills Gap Analysis in 5 Steps:

    In this critical first step, you will lay the foundation for the project’s success.
    Discover which factors are going to shape the future of your workforce.
    Analyze what the trends mean to your organization — and how L&D can help.
    Calculate the size of the future workforce using the predicted changes in work.
    In the final workshop, you will perform the analysis and create an action plan.

Fill out the form above and download your guide to ensure that your workforce and organization thrive today and in the future! 

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Skills Gap Analysis Guide

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Skills Gap Analysis Guide

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