What Is DEI Training? Your 101 Guide in 2024

Companies in the top quartile for ethnic diversity show an average 27 percent financial advantage over others, while those with representation of women exceeding 30 percent are more likely to financially outperform those that don’t — showing a strong business case to be made for diversity in any organization.

Written by Margaret Wood
Reviewed by Catherine Scott
6 minutes read

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) has become the building blocks of organizational success and social advancement.

Forward-thinking organizations increasingly focus on DEIB initiatives to drive innovation, promote collaboration, and improve employee wellbeing by recognizing the value of diverse viewpoints, equitable opportunities, and inclusive cultures. From recruitment and retention approaches to leadership development and policy implementation, DEIB enhances organizations’ functions.

In this article, we explore the significance of DEIB training as a strategic investment that unlocks the full potential of both individuals and organizations.

What is DEI(B) training?
Why is DEI training important?
What are the different types of DEIB training?
How HR can implement DEIB training
DEI training programs

What is DEI(B) training?

DEIB training is an educational process designed to foster awareness, understanding, and appreciation of diverse workplace perspectives, experiences, and identities. It encompasses a range of activities, including workshops, seminars, discussions, and experiential learning exercises that promote cultural competency, mitigate biases, and create a workplace culture for growth and advancement.

Why is DEI training important?

For the organization:

  • Attracts top talent: Organizations that prioritize DEIB training signal their commitment to creating inclusive environments, making them more attractive to diverse talent pools seeking supportive workplaces. This commitment goes beyond lip service; it shows that the organization actively seeks ways to create welcoming and supportive workspaces for individuals of diverse backgrounds.
  • Results in innovation: Diverse and inclusive workforces offer a variety of perspectives, fostering creativity and innovation, which are essential for problem-solving and staying competitive in the market.  Imagine a workplace where every voice is heard, every perspective is valued, and every idea is considered. That is the kind of environment that DEIB training aims to cultivate. Organizations that endorse DEIB create a melting pot of perspectives, experiences, and ideas by promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.
  • Improves company reputation: A commitment to DEIB can be a powerful differentiator in the marketplace. Consumers, investors, and partners are looking beyond products and profits. They want to support financially successful, socially responsible, and ethical companies in their practices and to develop trust and loyalty toward the brand. DEIB training initiatives enhance the organization’s reputation.

For employees:

  • Builds stronger teams: DEIB training fosters an environment where all team members feel valued and understood, promoting collaboration, synergy, and cohesion among diverse teams. For top talent, especially those from underrepresented groups, the presence of DEIB training programs sends a powerful message. It demonstrates that the organization is aware of the importance of diversity and inclusion and is willing to invest time, resources, and effort into cultivating an environment where everyone can thrive.
  • Reduces unconscious bias: DEIB training helps to create mutual respect and appreciation within teams. In such an environment, team members are more likely to collaborate effectively, leverage each other’s strengths, and harness the power of diversity to achieve shared goals. DEIB training helps break down barriers and challenge stereotypes. They promote collaboration, synergy, and cohesion among diverse teams, improving productivity, innovation, and overall performance.
  • Promotes a sense of belonging: Creating an inclusive culture of DEIB initiatives that value and celebrate differences is essential to fostering belonging. This will lead to higher retention rates and greater stability within the workforce. By embracing diversity, organizations signal to their employees that they are respected, valued, and integral team members, creating safe spaces for them.

What are the different types of DEIB training?

1. DEIB training for HR

HR DEIB training is designed to empower Human Resources professionals with the expertise to effectively implement Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) initiatives within their organizations. This training addresses HR professionals’ challenges and responsibilities in promoting DEI throughout the employee lifecycle.

One key aspect of DEIB training is providing HR professionals with the knowledge and skills to develop and implement inclusive recruitment processes. This includes understanding best practices for attracting a diverse pool of candidates, mitigating bias in the hiring process, and creating inclusive job descriptions and selection criteria. By mastering these strategies, HR professionals can ensure that their organizations can recruit and retain top talent from various backgrounds and experiences.

Additionally, HR DEIB training focuses on policy development, providing HR professionals with the tools and techniques to create and implement policies promoting workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion. This includes developing anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies, making accommodations for employees with disabilities, and implementing initiatives to support underrepresented groups within the organization.

By integrating DEIB principles into organizational policies, HR professionals can help create a culture of inclusivity and respect permeating every workplace aspect.

HR tip

AIHR’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Certificate Program helps you to assess the current culture of your organization and run a culture workshop, as well as plan and implement a new D&I strategy.

2. Inclusive leadership training

Inclusive leadership training equips leaders and managers with the skills and mindset to foster inclusive and fair work environments. This training targets those in positions of authority, emphasizing leaders’ critical role in shaping organizational culture and promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. 

A key focus of inclusive leadership training is developing inclusive leadership behaviors, such as active listening. Leaders learn to genuinely engage with and understand their team members’ perspectives by actively listening to diverse viewpoints. By actively listening to diverse perspectives, leaders can initiate an environment where everyone is appreciated and respected, leading to better decision-making and problem-solving.

Inclusive leadership training also emphasizes the significance of promoting diversity in decision-making processes. Leaders learn to recognize and mitigate unconscious biases influencing their judgments and decisions.

3. Employee training

Over and above general DEIB training, there are various types of more specific DEIB training available for employees based on an organization’s needs. Some of these types include:

  • Awareness training: Offers foundational learning to help employees recognize their own biases and understand the experiences of people from different backgrounds. It focuses on increasing knowledge about diversity and the benefits it brings to the workplace.
  • Unconscious bias training: Aims to help employees identify and overcome unconscious biases that can influence decision-making and interactions with others. This training is critical for creating a fair and equitable work environment.
  • Allyship training: Encourages employees to become allies who support and advocate for colleagues from underrepresented groups. It includes guidance on how to listen, learn, and act in ways that contribute to a more inclusive workplace.

How HR can implement DEIB training

Implementing DEIB training within an organization is crucial to fostering a culture of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. HR professionals play a leading role in this process, and they can follow a strategic approach outlined below:

1. Assess organizational readiness

  • Identify key stakeholders: To gain buy-in and support for DEIB initiatives, engage with leaders, executives, and employees across different departments. Key stakeholders can provide valuable insights and resources to support the implementation process.
  • Conduct diversity audits: Assess the current state of DEI within the organization by collecting data on demographics, representation, and employee experiences. This may involve surveys, focus groups, and interviews to gather qualitative and quantitative information.
  • Analyze metrics: Review DEIB key performance indicators (KPIs), such as hiring and promotion rates, employee turnover, and satisfaction surveys. Analyzing DEIB metrics can help identify areas of improvement and prioritize initiatives accordingly.

2. Select the right training

  • Choose a suitable service provider: Research and select a reputable DEIB training provider that offers programs tailored to the organization’s needs and objectives. Look for providers with expertise in unconscious bias training, inclusive leadership development, and cultural competency.
  • Customize the training: Work closely with the chosen provider to customize the training content and delivery format to align with the organization’s culture, values, and goals. Tailoring the training ensures relevance and effectiveness in addressing specific organizational challenges and opportunities.

3. Implement the training

  • Kick-off awareness campaigns: Launch company-wide awareness campaigns to introduce DEIB training initiatives and generate enthusiasm and support. This may include communication strategies such as email announcements, intranet articles, and town hall meetings to raise awareness and encourage participation.
  • Conduct training sessions: Schedule and facilitate DEIB training sessions for all levels of the organization. Ensure you offer various formats, such as workshops, webinars, and interactive discussions, to accommodate different learning styles and preferences.
  • Evaluate the impact: Measure the effectiveness of the training by collecting feedback from participants, conducting post-training surveys, and tracking key performance indicators. Evaluate the training’s impact on employee attitudes, behaviors, and organizational culture and make adjustments to optimize outcomes.

This strategic approach helps create a supportive and comprehensive workplace where all employees can thrive and contribute to organizational success.

3 steps for HR to implement DEIB training.

DEI training programs

DEIB training provider
Type of DEIB training offered

AIHR is a globally, accredited and recognized academy, offering HR professionals a certificate program in DEIB. In this online course, HR practitioners will master the key aspects of diversity and inclusion, learn to recognize and overcome biases, how to manage conflict and how to successfully implement and manage cultural changes.

Cover unconscious bias, microaggressions, inclusive leadership, and creating inclusive environments. They use interactive modules, case studies, and assessments to foster understanding and awareness of DEIB issues.

This is a global nonprofit organization that offers a variety of DEIB training programs using workshops, webinars, toolkits, and research reports with resources. These programs are aimed at advancing women and other underrepresented groups in the workplace, focusing on inclusive leadership, gender equity, diversity recruitment, and building inclusive cultures.

A consulting firm specializing in DEIB training and consulting services for organizations seeking to create more inclusive workplaces. Their training programs cover unconscious bias, cultural competence, and inclusive leadership. They offer customizable training solutions along with coaching and consulting services.

Offers DEIB training programs and resources specifically tailored for academic institutions. Their programs cover inclusive teaching practices, campus climate assessments, multicultural competence, and diversity leadership.

Key takeaway

DEIB training transcends mere checkboxes; it represents a strategic investment in organizational success and employee wellbeing.

By nurturing inclusive cultures that celebrate diversity and prioritize equity, organizations unlock the full potential of their workforce, fostering innovation, creativity, and sustainable growth in today’s dynamic global marketplace, paving the way for a future where every individual feels valued, respected, and empowered to thrive.

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Margaret Wood

Margaret Wood is a seasoned human resource and finance leader with over two decades of dynamic experience across diverse industries, ranging from healthcare to hospitality and retail. Their profound expertise in human capital management has led to substantial financial successes and elevated workplace cultures in each of their roles. Margaret has successfully managed intricate financial operations, ensured rigorous adherence to compliance standards, and streamlined HR processes to drive employee engagement, recruitment, and overall company efficiency. Their distinct blend of strategic planning, leadership, and interpersonal skills has consistently aligned operational objectives with overarching company goals. Margaret stands out as a strategic visionary, known for fostering business relationships and building teams that propel businesses forward.

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