6 Best Employee Wellness Program Examples

Written by Neelie Verlinden
1 minute read

AIHR Learning Bite: 6 Best Employee Wellness Program Examples

While you know it’s crucial to take care of your employees’ wellness, being aware of something and putting that knowledge into practice are two different things.

For this reason, in this Bite, we provide you 5 examples to inspire and motivate you to actively take better care of your employees:

  1. Tinder;
  2. Nike;
  3. SpaceX;
  4. TransferWise;
  5. Netflix.

Find out more in our in-depth article on employee wellness program.

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Neelie Verlinden

Neelie Verlinden is a digital content creator at AIHR. She’s an expert on all things digital in HR and has written hundreds of articles on innovative HR practices. In addition to her writing, Neelie is also a speaker and an instructor on several popular HR certificate programs.

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