Comments on: How to link Engagement to Business Performance in 3 Steps Online HR Training Courses For Your HR Future Wed, 27 Sep 2023 11:30:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Andrea Grande Mon, 01 Aug 2016 09:47:04 +0000 There are many reasons why the engagement of an employee would be called into question be it stress or just general growing lack of interest in their job. While it is often difficult for managers to form a question or a discussion regarding this, analytics certainly help by allowing managers/bosses to make educated decisions based on a quantitative analysis. We sought to design our analytics as to be able to answer not just questions of engagement but of greater operational visibility as a whole.

By: Gene Tange Tue, 19 Jul 2016 17:56:46 +0000 I think the effort to correlate engagement to business outcomes is noble. Today the data is so aggregated a la “engagement” for the company the information has low correlation. If the data was for a specific business initiative and the teams supporting/driving the outcome then maybe the variables that are really driving the outcomes could be isolated!
In fact this is what we did during our 12,000 research effort. Engagement wasn’t on the top of the list because the word has little meaning ( too many aggregated variables in the catch all word (“engagement”). What we did find is something pretty amazing. We started with companies that had many quarters of significant performance. Why? who cares about “engagement” in average companies. Then we backed into understanding what was different in these teams. Yes teams. We found 20 variables ( many of which we had not seen before) that tie people in teams to operational and or financial performance – in fact predict it. After lots of number crunching we narrowed the variables to those few that had the greatest correlation when aggregated. Then applied this model to those same firms and began predicting business outcomes with amazing accuracy. What this breakthrough shared is while HR is chasing engagement scores in the hopes of improving HR outcomes there are amazing opportunities to drive business results much more efficiently. Results like improved acquisition outcomes, turnaround results, new product launch efficiency or hyper growth results. The things that line people want the HR community to achieve!
